Sunday 10 December 2006

Lee Young Ae Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand Fans Clubs Gathering in Penang

Date: 8th December 2006

The arrival of some participants...

Lee Young Ae Singapore Fans Club members arrived at night flight from Singapore. Singapore Fans Club Chair Person Violet led the team with Canei, Tracy, Gwen and Siew Hong came. They have no problem finding me, because I have the stringer of our Lee Young Ae Malaysia Fans Club to greet them. Lots of people were curious to see the stringer...

We checked into the hotel and we met up with Debra Yap who drove 6 hours drives from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.
We had our late dinner at the Indian Muslim most famous restaurant in town... to have lamp soup... and Murturbak chicken and eggs... then Roti Canai.

Everyone are having fun while tasting the Indian Muslim food...

Gwen is happy to have a cold drink to cold herself after the hot and spicy Lamp curry...

While eating we all talked about Lee Young Ae...

Day 2: December 9th, 2006.

Morning City Heritage Tour on Trishaw....

Ms. Tiara and her cameramen from Korean Arirang TV, who are doing 26 series Documentary filming on Asia and the Cities, also came to film our heritage trail... We had a drive from Cititel Hotel to Christain Cemetery (where our Penang Island founder Captain Francis Light barried, script of Anna and The King had to edit because the film maker found Anna Leownowens husband Thomas Leonowen actually barried there etc.), to Fort Cornwalis, viewing the beautiful British colonial building City Hall and Town Hall.... Then the Fort... After that the multicultural area, The St. George Church, Kwan Ying Temple, Little India and The Mahamariam Temple, Teowchew Clan House, Capitan Kling Mosque, Lebuh Acheh Malay Mosque... Then we stop at the famous Dr. Sun Yat Sen Penang Base...

We walked into Anna and The King filming place, the Khoo Kongsi... The clan house which President Hu JingTao rated as "The building which has collective wisdom of the Chinese Craftsmen." Then we visited the Baba Nyonya Museum and the Capitan Cheng Chong Kwei Family temple.

I am impressed with Tracy who can still repeated well what I had said during this long heritage trail after 2 days.... That is fantastic!

We have a great Nyonya lunch with the group of Arirang TV. The fresh and spicy and uinque taste of curry fish head, wild pig in curry, peruit ikan (fish eggs vege) etc... The chef and lady boss Ruby even came out to talk to us. Singapore friends and Korean Arirang

Afternoon, back to Nature tour...

Hiking at Pantai Acheh National Park...

It is great to hike after a huge meal, to reduce the extra we took.. Back to Nature, is something Ms. Lee Young Ae always emphasis... So we had a try. Gwen has her first hiking experience! We have great entertainment from Gwen! It is fun to have her to walk with us... Lots of laughters....
Violet, Canei and Siew Hong who are more fimiliar with hiking took an nice walk... Everyone had a taste of the spring water and witnessed how the spring water came out from big rocks...

The rain only catched up us at the end, so we did not get to repeat the scenes of DeaJangGuem playing the sea water...

Debra Yap and Tracy went to pick up Lim Ai Ling and Kaow from Thailand, Kaow flew from Phuket to Bangkok and then fly with Ai Ling to Penang. What a trip!

At night we have hawkers food at New Lane... A little rain drops but could not stop us from eating...

Day 3: 10th December 2006, Sunday...

Our actual gathering day... I will not write on this part but will let one of our members George to tell his side of views... I have to thank you Jasmine, Lee Lee and Debra for their video works to make this event very entertaining. Thank you to LG Malaysia for generous gifts, and Lim Ai Ling for her generous lucky draw gifts!

From: youngaelover in response to Message 29
Sent: 12/10/2006 10:25 PM
Hoorey!!!I have joint the gathering today.I took a train at around 1.55a.m. from my hometown and reached butterworth at 6a.m.This is my first time taking a train.Quite exciting!!hehe....Then I took a ferry with the fare of RM1.20 and walked to komtar.I took my breakfast somewhere around there.After that,I went to cititel hotel by taxi.

Ya,talking lots of useless things.Now,it's about the gathering.With an exciting atmosphere,I went to level 3.I saw mailoon.This was my first time that I meet her.She was quite nice.

Juzt because I want to buy a bus ticket back by today,I was not involved in the gathering for a while.

When I came back,They were having breakfast.Then,It's korean class.Not a very formal teaching.IT was funny and full of laughters all the time.Time ran fast.

Then,We watch a short film done by one of our fans.She used 4 days to complete it.I was touched!!!Really....COme on,give her a big hand.....Thank you very much.

After watching the film,we had a sharing section.All the fans shared their encounter with Ms LYA.Many stories experienced by the fans of LYA.

THen,We stood a chance to watch one more film about Ms LYA with the small children.How nice LYA is!!!SHe never care whether the race,the child is poor or rich,She treat them very well.

Before having our lunch,We took the group photo.Luckily,a reporter from kwang Wah Jit Poh helped us.He had to take 10 and above photos because there are many camera owned by different fans.After the photography section,they went for lunch.

SO SAD!!!I have to leave now to take the bus and rushed back to my hometown.I left with a heavy heart.I miss the lucky draw today.It's something that I eager to take pat but I could not do anything but to go back sadly.

ALthough I felt extremely tired today,I felt happy because I manage to attend this gathering.The moments today,I may kept deep inside my heart and be a nice and unforgetable memory forever.If possible,I will attend it again and meet more of LYA fans.THanks mailoon for organizing this gathering and also your passionate personalities. Thanks all fans for attending this fans gathering.

Saying Good Bye at the Airport to friends from Singapore and Thailand...

Kamsamida to everyone who came and supported this event, and who are worked so hard to get everything done behind the scenes...


Yinuo said...

hahah Mailoon J , this is vivi ....hahaha ...!!!!

it was just accidently that i found your blog from the statistics from my MSN visitor history....that's sooooo coooolll....

Thai food ...Malaysia food ....i love south-eastern Asian food ...

The World of Peace and Haromny said...

Dear Vivi:

It is great to see you here, I will visit your site soon too!

Keep it up with your study in US!

Mai Loon